Sunday, February 25, 2007


Hi! My name is Sarah L'Heureux. I am currently a Junior at Rowan University and have created this blog for one of my classes. Our assignment is to research and talk about a topic for the next six weeks. I have chosen to research Thyroid Diseases because when I was fourteen, I was diagnosed with Hashimotos Disease. Also, my grandma has this disease as well as a couple of my friends. I have been going to the doctor and getting tests done twice a year since they discovered it.
Over the next few weeks I will talk about my disease, medications I am on, symptoms I have experienced and other diseases I could get in the future. I will also talk about other Thyroid disorders that exist and their symptoms. In order to keep the facts straight, I will make sure to distinguish between what I have experienced, what my grandmother has gone through, and what I have researched.